Last updated 3/28/2021
Each student is required to have a bag with a water bottle and hands sanitizer. Everyone age 2 and up is required to wear a face mask at all times.
- During class we will have 6-12 ft. physical distancing between students and 6 ft. physical distancing in the lobby
- Only one parent/guardian per student will be allowed in the building during class. It’s preferred to have less people in the lobby.
- Upon arrival everyone (gymnasts, employees, parents) is required to sanitize hands and temperature will be checked with an infrared thermometer
- There will be enough time between classes to assure that there are not too many people at the gym at the same time
- All gymnasts are expected to come with appropriate clothes ready to start class. The changing room will not be used.
- It’s recommended that a guardian under the age of 60 to transport the gymnast
- Touchless faucets, hand dryers, light switches and soap dispensers have been installed. Cleaning protocols are in place for bathrooms and gym equipment.
- We need to emphasize education and build new habits to “avoid touching one’s nose, mouth, and eyes”.
Before class:
- All classes will enter through the designated entrance.
- All gymnasts will enter the class with their bag. Entering the gym area, gymnast will put their shoes in the bag
During class:
- Only one parent/guardian per gymnast will be allowed to stay in the building during class. Viewing the class through the windows from the parking lot is also an option.
- Each event will have preassigned stations. Gymnasts will carry their bags from station to station.
- Only one gymnast at a time will be allowed to go to the bathroom (with shoes and mask on)
- Spotting by a coach will be allowed only for safety reasons.
After class:
- Students will sanitize hands and will be dismissed individually upon parent/guardian arrival. Please be on time.
- The gym’s back door will be used for dismissal.